Friday, October 19, 2012

Traditional Baby

We're getting to the point where we can't really ignore it any more.

I'm having a baby here.
in Nanjing.
We're going to be a family of four.

I'm not old enough to have two children, right?? We've found a good, Taiwanese hospital and have a doctor we love. We're still hearing different things about whether or not Mister can be in the delivery room. (He says no one will keep him out...)

Almost 31 weeks (according to our doctor here, already 32 weeks with a due date of December 16th)

It's a good think we have such great Chinese traditions to make sure everything goes smoothly!

-Rubbing the belly could spoil the baby.
-If a mom uses glue or adhesive, there could be birthing complications.
-Using scissors or knives (especially near the bed) may make the baby have a cleft palate.
-If a mom walks without swinging her arms, talks softly, and avoids foul language the baby will be well behaved.
-If the mom criticizes anyone, the baby will look and act like that person.
-Pregnant women should eat cold food to keep their yin and yang balanced.
-If the belly is pointed, it is a boy (he's looking out at the world, and is independent).
-If the belly is round, it is a girl (she's looking in, hugging her mom).
-Mothers should avoid funerals because there could be evil spirits there.
-It is very uncommon for parents to name the baby before it is born. Instead, they often give the baby false names (the name of an animal or just "ugly") to trick evil spirits so they won't take the baby.

You should hear the postpartum ones.