Monday, May 6, 2013

We Get Around

Fact: Traveling in China has been an adventure.

Buying train tickets seems pretty complicated.
The bullet train is probably the best way to travel longer distances. Plus, the seats turn around so you can have a party with your friends!!
The Maglev is SO fast.  
Long train rides make great friends. Miss A and this cute Russian girl played the whole way to Beijing.
Subway stations are easy enough for a toddler (but sometimes not for me!).
Also, this is a completely acceptable ensemble in China. 
Bringing lots of water and a handsome interpreter helps. 
A cute baby can't hurt, either.
Strollers are a convenient way to travel...except when the ground is made of carved stone bricks, or when you have to carry it up and down the subway stairs, or when you are a rambunctious toddler.

Greyhound style buses are much cheaper ($2/seat) than taxis ($30) for a 2 hour ride to the Great Wall. It's great as long as you are tough enough to hold your own in a line of people who don't believe in lines and as long as you bring an umbrella for the wait in the hot sun.

When you are trying to take luggage and babies and a stroller to the great wall, it is a good idea to get a ride.
I feared for my life on this one.
Miss A might have been a little afraid too...
Finally, the "best" of them all. A sleeper car. The name is quite deceiving. We took one of these for our 10 hour overnight ride home from Beijing. Picture it: Our family and 4 other Chinese guys. Our two children sleeping against the wall up top while I spread across the edge to keep them from falling. Mister sharing a bottom seat with luggage and another person... Little sleep was had.
Fact: I am excited ecstatic to have a car and drive it too.

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