Miss A has been pretty much obsessed with animals for some time now. She will sit and look at her little animal book forever. Lately, she has loved
this song and will
throw a fit cry when we turn it off (no matter how many times it has played). You can bet that Mister and I have it stuck in our heads about 90% of the time!
This week China celebrates their national holiday. Everyone gets a week off of school and many get work off. We're trying to get the most of the week since we will have a little newborn during our next vacation!
Today, we went to see the
The zoo is located on Yellow Mountain--which means LOTS of hills and stairs, but beautiful scenery. |
These pandas are a new addition to the zoo and very popular. |
Miss A isn't so sure what to think... |
White tiger cubs. Isn't their home so realistic?? All of the cement enclosures smelled like urine (but we're used to yucky smells by now, right?) |
She's starting to understand what's going on! |
These bears looked very odd to me. They are short, stalky, and have HUGE necks. |
So intrigued |
There was a big amusement park in the middle of the zoo. Families set up tents all around the zoo and made a FULL day trip out of it! |
This tiger had a pretty nice enclosure compared to most. |
Thank goodness for a dad that is taller than most here! |
She was so excited! |
I think the elephants were Miss A's favorite. |
Seriously, people threw everything at the animals. This elephant was picking up all of the food that was being thrown to it. A bear opened it's mouth while a lady poured water from her bottle above. It was CRAZY--I don't know how the zookeepers can make sure these animals stay healthy! |
Chinese characters out of bushes= pretty impressive! |
Last night, I practically couldn't sleep! I kept whispering to Mister that I couldn't wait to go to the zoo. I even sang the
"we're going to the zoo" song (2:23) for him. BIG. DEAL.
Being a parent has definitely changed my perspective on our outings. I live vicariously through Miss A's excitement and awe. Today did not disappoint!
*Some fun info about Miss A for our family and friends*
-A sheep says "ba"
-A pig says a-funny-noise-that-comes-from-her-throat
-A cat says "mao" (also the word for cat in Chinese)
-Everything else says "rawr"
-She loves dogs and squeals with delight every time we pass one on the street
-Mister thinks we should get a pet for her. He definitely has a soft spot for this little one, but hopefully not
that soft! :)
Hello. You don't know me. My name is Katie. My husband's (Brian Larson) Aunt Louise (Grandma Tolman)gave me this blog address and told me to check it out. What an awesome experience you all are having! I have been enjoying spending my afternoon free from babies (they are napping)reading about your wonderful adventures. I hope you don't mind. I love all the pictures. Keep up the adventures and the blogging please, it helps those of us who can't be adventurous. :-)
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you're reading! This blog helps me keep a good attitude about our "adventures" and see the fun that we're having along with the mundane mom things I do every day. :)